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What Makes Someone a Great Power Platform Developer?

The Power Platform, Microsoft's next-generation suite of business applications, empowers developers and non-technical users alike to automate processes, build desktop and mobile apps, and create data analytics visualizations that transform businesses faster than ever before. Along with the platform, a new wave of business Developers are beginning to build enterprise-level systems that drive how business is done. The learning path for these developers is often not very formal and it can leave some wondering what they may be missing. Having a deep familiarity with Power Apps, Power Automate, Power BI, and Copilot Studio (previously Power Virtual Agents) is of course a major piece of being a good developer. However, becoming a great Power Platform developer goes beyond understanding the technical aspects of the tools. It's about harnessing a blend of skills, mindset, and continuous learning. Here's what I believe sets apart a great Power Platform developer:

Curiosity and Continuous Learning

There are several great qualities of a Power Platform developer that are true of all technical roles but I believe this is the most important one. The Power Platform evolves rapidly, with new features and updates released regularly. A great developer has an insatiable curiosity and a commitment to continuous learning. They stay updated with the latest trends (while simultaneously resisting the urge to use experimental features in production), explore new tools, and are always on the lookout for innovative ways to solve problems. The Power Platform enables developers to solve business problems incredibly fast and in new ways and if you have this quality then pushing that boundary likely excites you. You can stay up to date on current release waves and the entire roadmap for the Power platform here.

I highly recommend setting up a personal developer environment both inside and outside of your work account to foster this curiosity and have a sandbox where you can safely break things and try new features out as they're released. Having a personal environment outside of your work account gives you a portfolio of work you can show off in the future or even demo solutions if you ever find yourself speaking at a conference.

As the Power Platform leaves behind its early stage and becomes a more established platform I've seen fewer ground-floor enthusiasts and more developers who have inherited the technical debt from developers who have left the company. If you're passionate about the Power Platform or technology in general, that alone sets you apart from a lot of people who simply see the platform as a means to an end.

Understanding of Business Processes

This is the area I believe that separates developers from the typical pro-code stack from developers who gravitate toward the Power Platform. The Power Platform is designed to solve business problems with internal tools. A developer's ability to understand and analyze business processes and requirements is crucial. This means asking the right questions, identifying pain points, and translating business needs into effective, scalable solutions. This is why we often see Power Platform developers shift away from the business side of companies into IT. It's also why Microsoft pushes heavily toward the citizen developer movement. Coming from the business or operations side of a company into a role where you're given the tools to automate the repetitive day-to-day tasks, build user interfaces for all the manual data entry, and report on all of the data collected increases your value substantially.

The balance here is that historically you either have a background in business or a background in IT, rarely both. With an IT background, you have a rooted understanding of security principles, programming logic, and best practices that you don't get from the business, and the opposite is true for those with a business background who are rooted in business processes, financial management, and market/customer understanding.

Somewhere in the middle, there is the citizen developer. No matter which side you come from, IT or business, you must begin to expose yourself to the basics of the other side. It's invaluable for a developer to immerse themselves in the business process they are trying to automate as well as a business stakeholder to communicate the outlying processes and caveats that may come up with a solution. Understanding the fundamentals of how your company operates as well as the upstream and downstream effects of every step along the way will allow you to create tailor-made solutions that will skyrocket your company's efficiency.

Collaboration and Communication

Collaboration is essential for any great developer. This holds particularly true for Power Platform developers, as the platform is primarily designed for creating internal tools. The journey of most projects starts with collaborating during requirements-gathering sessions (meeting with stakeholders to define and record all of the necessary functionality of a project), a process that underscores the importance of communication. Effective communication skills are crucial, as these sessions often involve explaining technical concepts to non-technical audiences and probing for information to fill any gaps in the requirements. It's about translating complex system processes into understandable summaries, striking a balance between detail and clarity to convey the project's complexity, purpose, scale, and other key aspects without overwhelming.

During the requirements gathering phase, these skills are put to the test. A skilled developer not only envisions the final product but also recognizes the necessity for collaboration and clear communication. Asking questions during these sessions is vital to remove all confusion and gain a clear understanding of the system. Ultimately, the goal is to function effectively within a team, delivering solutions that not only meet but exceed expectations.

Problem-Solving Skills

Problem-solving is at the heart of what makes a developer great. It's about facing challenges head-on, with a mix of optimism and realism. The best developers don't just see problems; they see puzzles waiting to be solved and they don't stop until the puzzle is complete. They possess the unique ability to dissect complex issues into smaller, more manageable pieces, each a step on the path to a solution. This mindset isn't just about finding fixes; it's about crafting solutions that are both elegant and efficient.

One of the most effective tools in a developer's arsenal for tackling these challenges is the creation of actionable breakdowns of requirements, such as simple to-do items or detailed user stories. This step-by-step breakdown not only simplifies the development process but also ensures that every solution is directly tied to a real-world need. It encourages developers to think from the user's perspective, leading to solutions that are not just technically sound but also meaningful to those who use them.

In essence, great problem-solving skills are about more than just technical know-how. They're about approaching each challenge with the right mindset, breaking it down into actionable steps, and never losing sight of the bigger picture: creating solutions that make a difference.

Attention to User Experience (UX)

Developing solutions that are not only functional but also user-friendly is essential. A great Power Platform developer pays attention to the user experience, ensuring that applications are intuitive, accessible, and provide a seamless experience for all users. This focus on User Experience (UX) is not just about aesthetics; it's about deeply understanding the end-user's needs, preferences, and behaviors. In the world of Power Platform, where solutions often cater to a wide range of users within an organization, the significance of UX cannot be overstated. A developer's ability to empathize with users, anticipate their needs, and design interfaces that are both appealing and easy to navigate sets the stage for widespread adoption and satisfaction.

Great developers prioritize simplicity and efficiency, removing unnecessary complexity to ensure that users can complete their tasks with minimal friction.

In addition to technical skills, a keen eye for design and an understanding of UX principles are invaluable. This includes layout, color theory, typography, and user psychology. A developer who can blend technical functionality with a well-thought-out design will create applications that not only solve business problems but also delight users.

Ultimately, attention to UX in the Power Platform is about more than creating solutions; it's about creating experiences. Developers who harness this aspect effectively can drive digital transformation in a way that feels natural and empowering for the end-user. By focusing on the human side of technology, these developers ensure that their solutions are not just used but embraced, leading to higher productivity, engagement, and satisfaction.

How to Power Up Your Power Platform Career

Technical Proficiency

While Power Platform is accessible to non-developers, deep technical knowledge enhances a developer's capabilities. Even the best Power Platform developers aren't experts in every Power Platform tool. Most choose to focus on two or three of the tools, but when they need to jump into another tool, they don't hesitate. Here are some examples of advanced skills in each tool include:

  • Power BI:

  • Mastery in data modeling

  • Ability to write complex DAX expressions

  • Create dashboards and reports using appealing visualization techniques

  • Experience with query tuning

  • Power Apps:

  • Ability to create custom apps from start to finish

  • Advanced understanding of PowerFX

  • Understanding of delegation and complex business logic

  • Experience with both canvas and model-driven apps with exposure to JavaScript

  • Ability to troubleshoot issues using debugging tools

  • Power Automate:

  • Knowledge of workflow automation

  • Complex logical conditions and branching structures

  • Broad familiarity with the available pre-built connectors

  • Ability to create custom connectors

  • Flow run optimization strategies

  • Ability to write complex expressions

  • Copilot Studio:

  • Skills in building chatbots with complex conversation scenarios

  • Understanding of natural language processing and AI generative answers

  • Integrating bots with various services and plugins

  • Deploying to multiple channels internally and externally

  • Dataverse:

  • Ability to create custom entities with advanced columns such as lookups, calculated, and rollup columns

  • Understanding of data modeling

  • How one-to-many and many-to-many relationships are used

Going beyond the Power Platform will also make you stand out as a great developer. Those skills include extending the platform beyond the included tools.

Proficiency in Complementary Technologies

A great Power Platform developer is also proficient in complementary technologies like Microsoft Dataverse, Azure services, and at least somewhat familiar with programming languages such as JavaScript for client-side logic in Model-Driven Apps and C# for creating custom plugins in Dataverse. A broad familiarity with Dynamics 365 products helps quickly extend the platform when they can used.

Ethical Considerations and Data Governance

With great power comes great responsibility. A great developer understands the importance of ethical considerations, data privacy, and security. They ensure solutions comply with regulations and organizational policies, emphasizing responsible and ethical use of technology.


Being a great developer itself is a spectrum, and if you don't tick all these boxes it doesn't mean you aren't great. I have some days where I feel like I'm in that wonderful flow state and other days where I wonder how I tricked everyone into thinking I'm a developer at all.

We've yet to see how the citizen developer role will shape out alongside traditional development in most companies or industries, but it will likely maintain its place somewhere between the technical and business side.

Becoming a great Power Platform developer is about more than mastering the tools; it's about adopting a mindset of continuous improvement, understanding the business context, collaborating effectively, failing but getting back on track fast, and always considering the end-user experience. With these traits and skills, developers can harness the full potential of the Power Platform to create innovative, impactful solutions that drive business forward.

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Movie Walber
Movie Walber

I was having some self doubt, about if I am lacking behind as a developer. But your this blog helped me regain some confidence.

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